The Fool-proof Secret for Writing Engaging Emails that Drive Sales

If you’re not a natural born writer, thinking about writing multiple emails a month can seem daunting. I get it! But instead of letting these writing tasks pile up, take your email content calendar and break down each email into small bullet points. Just like it helps to see major goals broken down into smaller steps, breaking down your emails (and other content) lightens the load and you’ll be writing engaging emails in no time.

Divide your high-level ideas into tantalizing tidbits that instantly make your ideal clients hit the buy button. These selling points are where you hit the nail on the head, and you make the reader say “Duh! I need this now”.

This process is easiest to complete after you pair your content with your promotion. Before you start writing the emails, take a moment to dissect exactly what you’ll say to your audience. Use bullet points to stay organized. Reword these important points with strong language so they compel your reader to click that link or buy button.

What are you promoting? 

  • Write down the top 3 benefits (not features) of that product. (If you don’t know the difference between features and benefits, check out this article.)
  • Write down 3 reasons why your audience needs this product.

What content are you sharing with this promotion?

  • Is it relevant to the offer?
  • What emotion does the content elicit? (Read more about emotional marketing here.)
  • Does the subject matter offer value to your audience?
  • What are 3 takeaways for your audience?

Can you offer social proof to boost your trust factor?

  • Do you have testimonials you can quote?
  • Do you have comments on social media from happy clients?
  • Do you have any case studies or statistics that your methods are successful for your clients?

Don’t worry…this seems like a lot of information, but it won’t cause your email to drag on for miles. These are just questions to ask yourself to pare down the information you want to include. Pick out the relevant points and leave the rest. Once you get into the habit, you’ll start pulling out your bullet points faster.


black friday planning guideThe holidays will soon be here and while national retailers are already rolling out holiday merchandise and have been planning holiday marketing all year, many entrepreneurs wait until November 1 or later to start thinking about Black Friday promotions.

Don’t wait! Start now by downloading the Black Friday Planning Guide: 12 Easy Steps for a Sensational Holiday Season. Follow the 12 easy steps and in November you can relax and enjoy the benefits of planning ahead!

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