How To Create Engaging Social Media Content by Spying on Competitors Guilt Free

An easy and reliable way to know what to post on social media is to check out what your competitors are already posting about–and seeing great engagement from. It’s time to creep on the competition!

(Watch the video version of this blog here.)

Now, before you think it’s not right to spy on your competitors, let’s add in this caveat: Plagiarizing is NEVER acceptable. Copying and pasting ANYTHING – including blog posts or graphics/photos – that does not belong to you is a copyright infringement and highly unethical. That’s a surefire way to ruin your credibility and your business.

Instead, simply observe which of your competitors’ topics received the most engagement from their audience. Your audience is different – you’re not out looking to poach customers from them – you’re merely researching and testing if the same topic will be as popular and engaging for you as it was for them.

In the corporate world, this is called a competitive analysis, where you look for what’s working for your competitors and what’s not. Knowing this information can enlighten you about what marketing efforts may be worth pursuing and which others are better ignored. 

Put Your Own Spin on a Generic Top That Performs Well for a Competitor

Just as your audience is different, maybe you have a different perspective on the same topic. If you see one generic topic is performing well for your competitor, put your own spin on that topic – or discuss a controversial perspective instead. Go further by drilling that general topic down to fit your specific industry. Discuss hot-button topics from your industry as a way to showcase your expertise while keeping your audience in the loop. You’re not copying what they’re saying; you’re crafting a response to an inspirational idea.

Don’t Forget Indirect Competitors!

Also, if you’re a coach don’t just concentrate on watching other coaches as that’s awfully limiting. Who else caters to your audience but offers different programs or products? Check them out as an indirect competitor and do the same content audit. JV partnerships often occur between two indirect competitors who have a passion for serving the same market. 

blogIndustry Relevant Blogs

Don’t stop there! Check industry-relevant blogs regularly to make sure you’re always speaking about “hot button topics” on your page. You’ll want to take note of the topics they post consistently, but also the topics they’re posting about right now.

In the end, you’re looking to be INSPIRED by this competitive analysis, not to copy your competitors’ strategies exactly. Your brand and voice need to be authentic; have no fear…your audience members will call you out if you’re not being authentic or if there’s even a hint of plagiarizing.

Researching Competitors Is an Ongoing Task

Also remember that this research needs to be an ongoing task. Just as your brand and voice will evolve over time, so will your competitors’. Continue monitoring their content, engaging with indirect competitors, and staying on top of industry happenings. Once you perfect your processes for doing research and creating all your Facebook content, you can delegate these tasks to your VA so all you have to do is put your stamp of approval on your posts.

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