I Invested Thousands in the Best Guru! Why Am I Not Seeing Spectacular Results?

A guru is an influential teacher or popular expert according to the dictionary.  Most of us know this and many of us are tired of one guru after another telling us their method will make us wildly successful millionaires. However ultimately many entrepreneurs will try one of these experts to help us with our business. I’ve seen many of my clients hop on the guru bandwagon, shelling out a fortune, only to find that their profits remain stagnant. What gives?

I’m not saying hiring an expert to help in your business is a poor investment.  I don’t believe they are all ‘snake oil salesman’  or that their methods will never work. However I think you have to avoid “shiny object(guru) syndrome, select your expert carefully and avoid some common pitfalls.  From my work behind the scenes of many business over the last 16 years, these are a few observations I’ve made.

You picked the wrong guru.

One of the main reasons why gurus don’t work is because you picked the wrong one. There are so many self-proclaimed gurus out there, each claiming to have the secret formula for success. But not all of them are actually experts in their field. It’s important to do your research and choose a guru who has a proven track record with others in your niche and a solid reputation. Otherwise, you might end up following advice that is ineffective or even harmful to your business.

They didn’t understand your business/audience.

guruAnother reason why gurus don’t work is that they often provide generic advice that doesn’t take into account the specific needs and challenges of your business or your target audience. They might have achieved success in their own ventures, but that doesn’t mean their strategies will work for you. It’s important to find a guru who understands your industry and has experience working with businesses similar to yours. This way, they can provide tailored guidance that is relevant to your specific situation.

Excellent business advisors are stellar communicators.  They listen closely and strive to understand your business and your audience.  No two business are alike and you should avoid an expert who uses copy/paste strategies or outdated ones because they worked for a past client.

Maybe It’s Not the Guru.  Do you have the right people on your list?

We’ve looked a the guru, now let’s take a peak at your list. Are the people on your marketing list responsive? To they make purchases or only opt in for your freebie offers? Do they match your ideal client profile?

Building a successful business requires a strong network of connections. If you’re following a guru’s advice but don’t have the right people on your list, it’s unlikely that their strategies will work for you. For example, if you’re a relationship coach but your guru’s advice is focused on ecommerce marketing tactics, it’s not going to be very helpful. Make sure you have a targeted audience and a network of potential customers who are interested in your products or services before implementing any guru’s advice.

You didn’t follow the ‘system’ in it’s entirety.

guruMany gurus promote their methods as a step-by-step system for success. However, if you don’t follow the system in its entirety, you’re unlikely to see the promised results. I’ve worked with coaches who pick and choose which parts of the system to implement, thinking they know better or that certain steps aren’t necessary. But the truth is, the system is designed to work as a whole, and skipping steps or making modifications can disrupt the intended flow and effectiveness of the strategy. If you’re going to follow a guru’s system, commit to following it fully.

Choosing the right business advisor is crucial for your success. Take your time, do your research, and select someone who truly understands your vision and goals. And once you’ve found that perfect match, don’t hold back! Fully commit to the advice and guidance they provide. Trust me, it’ll make all the difference in the world.

Looking to boost productivity and free up more time? I’m excited to announce that I am now accepting new clients! Whether you’re a business owner looking to expand or simply in need of some well-deserved time off, I’m here to help. Let’s chat about your goals and how I can support you. Contact me today!

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