The “Perfect Time” to Post on Social Media for the Greatest Engagement

Social media authorities are plentiful and each one has their own takeaway on the perfect time to post for maximum exposure. While these are terrific starting points, don’t think any one person’s advice is THE definitive time to get engagement from your audience. Every market has its nuances and you’ll likely find some exceptions to any posting rule. 

While there’s no blanket “magic time” to post on any of the social media platforms for crazy-high engagement, with a little experimentation, you can find the magic time for your business!

Generally speaking, experts agree that businesses should post on Facebook at least once per day but no more than three times per day. At a bare minimum, post at last three times a week. 

When is Your Ideal Client Online?

First, let’s use a little bit of common sense. If your market is working moms, they most likely won’t be online until the early evening hours, after dinner and bedtime routines are completed. So, posting to that group midday will likely get lost.

However, if you’re targeting solopreneurs who work from home, anytime during the regular 9-5 workday will likely work for you because these people will take breaks from their work or will log in to Facebook to schedule their own posts and see yours in the process. 

This is why knowing your ideal client avatar is so important. You’ll know what type of job they work. You’ll understand their responsibilities outside of work and these details will help you narrow down a time frame when they’ll be online.

When are YOU online?

Second, take a look at your own calendar. You should be available during this same “perfect” time frame so you can respond quickly to questions and comments. This one step makes you appear approachable because you’re able to have these short conversations in real time. Your followers will understand that you’re not just a robot scheduling posts; you’re a real person with a passion for helping them. With you being available for real-time engagement, you’ll increase the “like” factor and others will see how easy you are to speak with.

Why is catching people in real-time important? Because we all know that posts “get lost” due to the Facebook algorithms so it’s a risk to assume someone will see your post hours later. It’s also easier to carry on conversations in real time because you’ll receive notifications when someone responds to you, which usually entices people to click on the notification immediately. Also, when you see a post from 8 hours ago, you may be less tempted to leave a comment or ask a question based on the older timestamp.

As you can see, no one can really tell you when to post on social media.  Nevertheless, with a little experimentation, you’ll find the right cadence for your social media content distribution!

Tired of staring at the blank screen, wondering what to write that will attract your perfect clients and bring them deeper into your world? We all know that social media is an essential part of marketing an online business but not everyone is using it to its full potential.

Like any marketing platform, without a solid plan in place, social media marketing is not going to be as effective as it can be.

What if you could create a purposeful and effective social media content calendar in just a weekend? Imagine how your business would skyrocket if you started showing up consistently!

Learn how in Create Your High Converting Social Media Calendar in 6 Easy Steps 

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