How to Use Promotional Content to Capture Attention, Drive Interest, and Increase Sales

An essential part of planning out your social media calendar for the next month is to plug in your promotional content to capture attention, drive interest, and produce sales. Although you may occasionally have a month where you aren’t offering any promotions or launching something new, this will likely be the exception rather than the rule; and even a relatively small event, such as a simple flash sale, needs to be incorporated into your social media calendar. 

Here are some of the promotional events you’ll want add to your social media calendar:

New and Updated Offers and Services

What new offers or services are you launching in the forthcoming month? Even if you aren’t exactly sure when you’ll be ready for your launch, make sure to add some reminders to your social media calendar in case you’re ready before the month ends. Also think about any updates to existing offers and services that are coming up. If your calendar looks sparse, think about whether you have anything you can tweak to serve as a relaunch of sorts.

Course and Program Launches

promotional contentDo you have products or programs that open up membership on a quarterly basis? Is this enrollment period coming up in the next month? If so, make sure you’re using your social media calendar to build excitement and engage your audience. Do you have a new program coming online next month? Plan ahead so you can make your followers eager to sign up when it’s ready.

Time-Sensitive Promotions

Flash sales and other time-sensitive promotions are great ways to get a quick boost in sales, and you’ll want to ensure your social media followers know when they have a chance to save some money. Is your birthday coming up in the next month? Consider celebrating the occasion with a 24-hour flash sale. Black Friday and Cyber Monday are times when your followers are likely on the lookout for savings. A brief promotion, which you’ll share on your social media platforms, can be especially effective.

Other Types of Launches

Have you been working on a book that’s ready to launch next month? Now’s the time to start planning out your social media strategy. Use a series of posts during the next month to build a bit of hype. Apply this strategy any time you’re launching something new. A forthcoming podcast, for example, can perform better if you’re including information in your monthly social media calendar. If your new website is almost ready to come online, make sure you’re integrating this launch with your social media platforms.

Don’t Forget Affiliate Offers

Affiliate marketing is a valid alternate stream of income so join affiliate programs of tools or programs that you love and trust. By simply telling others about their awesomeness, you can earn a small commission. Build these offers into your monthly themes or when you need to fill some space.

Long-Form Content

Too often, entrepreneurs fail to promote their long-form content as much as they should, especially on social media. If you’ve been working on a new YouTube video, make sure to generate some excitement across the next month to reach a wider audience. New podcast episodes are worthy of extra promotion, so fill in your social media calendar accordingly. Your long-form content can be a valuable tool for reaching out and attracting attention, so make sure to give it the promotion it deserves.


Tired of staring at the blank screen, wondering what to write that will attract your perfect clients and bring them deeper into your world? We all know that social media is an essential part of marketing an online business. But not everyone is using it to its full potential. Like any marketing platform, without a solid plan in place, social media marketing is not going to be as effective as it can be.  Create Your High Converting Social Media Calendar in 6 Easy Steps will show you how.  Learn more here.


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