The Importance of Market Segmentation in Your Content Marketing

Are you marketing to your ideal customer? Are you making the most of your analytics to craft targeted messages to your audience? Marketing segmentation is an essential aspect of a content marketing strategy.

What Is Market Segmentation?

Market segmentation is an approach that essentially quantifies your customers based on various criteria including buying habits, money spent, location, age and other demographics. The information will help you fine-tune your content marketing so that you can attract more of your ideal customer and build a stronger and more profitable business. For example, using your analytics you can organize the information based on:

  • Path – How did the customer arrive at your website? Did they arrive via organic search, referral, or social media?
  • Geography – Do your ideal customers come from any particular geographic area? If so, you can construct content that speaks directly to them.
  • Behavior – How do new visitors compare to returning visitors in terms of their level of engagement on your site? Do they spend more time there? Do they click on more links?
  • Action – How do your conversion rates vary with respect to users who visit your site from guest blog posts versus social media posts, or from email messages versus calls to action from your downloads?
  • Buying behavior – When does your ideal customer buy your products or services, and how long do they stay clients? How often do they buy? Do they buy from your competition too?

As you’re pulling together a concrete description of your ideal customer and their behavior on your site and within your business, also strive to identify their psychographics. Psychographics include things like their activities and interests as well as their values and beliefs.
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What You Can Do Now

Once you have a detailed description of who your ideal clients are based on your review of your analytics and perhaps some additional research, you’re able to take the next steps.

  1. Begin a content marketing campaign to better serve the needs of your excellent customers. Keep them happy and engaged in your business.
  1. Begin implementing content marketing tactics to attract more of the same type of customer. You can use the information you’ve gathered to begin reaching your audience in a more deliberate manner.

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