Amazon as a Research Tool?

amazon as a research toolHave you ever purchased books from Millions of people have. But did you know that it is much more than an online bookstore? It can be one of the most effective, free research tools that successful book publishers have in their arsenal – and you can use it too! has numerous features that are beneficial to Internet Marketers and authors.
Many, if not most, books that are listed on Amazon will show you the table of contents. Need some ideas about topics to cover in your own book? There they are, in black and white.
You can’t copy them word for word, of course, but you can use those topics in your book – just change what it says. Looking at the table of contents on books that cover your topic will help you with idea generation and making sure that you don’t miss any important points in your book.
Next, read some reviews of those books listed at Amazon. What did the readers like? What did they hate? What do they wish had been included? This will, again, help you to produce a better book by knowing what to add, and what to avoid.
Are you lost for a topic for your book? Look up your niche or your interests at Amazon, and see what the best sellers are. Best sellers are on the best sellers list for a reason – they are the books that are selling the most, in that category – the information that people are actively seeking! Don’t ignore that.
If you click on the title of a book, it tells you what keywords are used to promote that book. Copy those keywords! They will be important to you later, when you are ready to do your marketing.
Look to see what other books customers bought, in addition to the book you are currently looking at on Amazon. It may give you an idea for a topic, for a future topic, or a topic or topics to include in your current project.
Look at the product details. How many pages are in the book? Read the editor’s review. Read the customer review. Find out what other books are cited in this book. This is an amazing resource!
When you make one of your first stops when you are looking for a new book idea, you get valuable topic information. Be sure to look at the best seller list, to see what people really want!
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