Building Your Awesome Dream Team

dream teamWe often hear entrepreneurs talk about building their “dream team.”  It’s not just for sports anymore!  I have been building my dream team over the last several years. It includes administrative assistants, web designers, graphic designers, WordPress experts, shopping cart experts, transcriptionists, bookkeepers and more.  I recently enjoyed the benefits of my dynamic team who kept my business running seamlessly in my absence.  Did you hear my, “Oh yeah, baby! Awesomeness!”  LOL
Building a true “Dream Team” starts the instant you first think “I need help with my online business”.  In fact, it may even begin before that:  If you are experienced at business planning, you may have planned to grow your business from a single owner enterprise to a full team-based business right from your first daydream, as I did seven years ago.
Many entrepreneurs learn from trial and error in hiring and managing teams – and that goes double for online team management, which had to be virtually re-invented from offline principles and practices.  There are some key differences between an “in-house” team and a virtual team.

  • With a virtual, online team, your key employee or contractor may live in a completely different country.
  • You usually don’t meet face to face, so you can’t base impressions on body language and personal chemistry.  You can get around this to some extent with Skype interviews but you are depending largely on what you read online.  This is why it will be extra important to check every reference.

What exactly is a “dream team”?

You will get different answers from different types of businesses in different industries and niches, as well as business owners with different philosophies, but it all boils down to this:

  • A “Dream Team” is one that rounds out and complements your own skills and talents, enabling your company to reap real profit while experiencing healthy growth and building your company’s reputation.

In other words, a Dream Team fills in your gaps and makes you and your company stronger and better-rounded.  In my case, each team member has an area of specialty with expert knowledge in that area.  The role I play in my team is the expert on internet marketing and business systems.
So knowing exactly who you need to hire is your most important first step.  And that depends on you.  It depends on how well-formed and realistic your vision is, and what your ambitions might be.  It depends on your company mission and goals. A competent Virtual Assistant can make your business blossom and turning it into a powerful niche presence to be reckoned with.

Finding your perfect team members.

Here is how to ensure that you find and hire the best candidates for the job…
Find your perfect online employee or contractor… online.  Before you start to Google, however, check the social networks you use most.  Top contractors should have a visible professional presence there – and how they handle their LinkedIn profile or Facebook Page should tip you off as to their competence and the way they do business.
Check appropriate professional directories such as or The advantage for searching professional directories is you will have a higher chance of finding professional, qualified people.  They are engaged in their profession.  VAnetworking has a certification program, VAcertified.  This program was the first globally coordinated VA Certification Program.
Ask for recommendations.  Let your needs be known in a straightforward manner – and finish by asking for recommendations or leads.  If you do this on social media, such as Facebook, you will likely get good recommendations from other business people in your field.
At this point you will be well prepared to begin setting up your Dream Team!  Keep lines of communication open, remember that your contractors are ordinary people who want to succeed, just like you… and always remember to thank and appreciate them.  After all, they’re the ones willing to help you take your business to the next level, so be sure to return the favor with timely recommendations, raises and a dream working relationship. 

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