Building your Dream Team in 2014

dream Team wordleWhat exactly is a “dream team”?
You will get different answers from different types of businesses in different industries and niches, as well as business owners with different philosophies, but it all boils down to this:

A “Dream Team” is one that rounds out and complements your own skills and talents, enabling your company to reap real profit while experiencing healthy growth and building your company’s reputation.

In other words, a Dream Team fills in your gaps and makes you and your company stronger and better-rounded.  So knowing exactly who you need to hire is your most important first step.
For most entrepreneurs, this boils down to answering one question:

“Will one talented Virtual Assistant do the trick, or do I need to plan for several team members?”

Which leads to another question, if the latter is your answer… “Exactly how many is ‘several’?”
And that depends on you.  It depends on how well-formed and realistic your vision is, and what your ambitions might be.  It depends on your company mission and goals. For example, do you see yourself at the head of a fleet of minions, all slaving away over typewriters?  If you want to create a copywriting empire, churning out hundreds of modules of Private Label Rights material and sub-contracted client projects monthly, this vision may be surprisingly close to the mark. On the other hand, if you just need someone to take care of the non-billable tasks – the ones you lose money by performing yourself – your dream team is likely to consist of four or less team members. As little as one competent Virtual Assistant can make your business blossom and turn into a powerful niche presence to be reckoned with.
Seven questions to ask yourself, before deciding on your team needs.
a)      Where do I see my company, five years down the road?  Ten years down the road?
b)     Do I want to sell it eventually or do I always want to be a sole proprietor?
c)      Is my business highly dependent on me and my personality, as well as my unique outlook, experience and skill sets?
d)     Would my business cease to exist if I left it?
e)      Do I ever want to run a large company, or am I happy with a very small organization?
f)       What do my clients need?  What do I do if they “want more”?
g)      What’s my budget now?  What am I planning for, budget-wise and profit-wise, as my company grows?

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