What is Content Marketing?

content marketing hit virtual assistantsYou may be hearing a lot about content marketing lately.  If you’re like many solo entrepreneurs, you wonder if this is just another fad or a legitimate marketing technique you need to learn. I have good news and good news.
Content marketing is a legitimate marketing technique and you are probably (or should be) doing it already.  For the “official definition” I went to the Content Marketing Institute:
Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.”
Let’s break it down by talking about what content marketing includes.
Website Copy – At the very basic level, the text or “copy” on your website. Every word you have on your website should tell your prospective customer why they need your product or service. Feed the prospect before you feed the spiders!
Blogging – I often talk about how blogging is essential in your SEO strategy.  It also plays an important role in attracting your target audience by providing the valuable information that establishes you as a thought leader in your industry.
Social Media Marketing – I’m not talking about the drivel describing what you had for breakfast this morning.  Your posts should be valuable and relevant to your prospective audience.  Here also, the goal is to establish yourself as the “go-to” person for information and help in your field.
White Papers and ebooks – Go deeper than your blog posts. Most solo entrepreneurs have a white paper or ebook they give away as an opt in gift to their list. Guess what? That’s content marketing.
Article Marketing – Yes, ezine articles are a good place to start but take it beyond that point.  Start looking at sites like examiner.com, SelfGrowth.com or the Huffington post.
This list could go on but I think you get the idea. Content marketing is providing useful, even valuable information that establishes you as the thought leader to go to. You are probably already doing some of it. What you may be missing is a plan to make all the pieces work together. Why not evaluate what you’re doing and make it work for you?
Need help pulling it all together?  HIT Virtual Assistants would love to help.  We offer we-do-it-for-you plans as well as consultations to help you get started on your own.

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