Don’t be afraid of SEO: 13 SEO Marketing Tips (Part 2)

Last week I advised you to take a deep breath and stay calm. The basics of SEO aren’t something to stress about. Here are more tips to help you scale the SEO cliffs.

  1. Take the time to describe each category you create for your website in the description box and include your keywords.


  1. Try ranking for more than one keyword per page of your website but no more than five.


  1. If you’re going to guest blog for SEO, choose blogs that are relevant to your site, have the same audience, rank higher than your site, and receive a lot of engagement.


  1. seoA good off-page SEO tip is to start posting in relevant groups on social media that have a lot of engagement and traffic. Don’t focus on promotion, as that will usually get you kicked out, just engage and be helpful.


  1. Improve your website’s loading speed. For 13 ways to do this take a look at this guest blog by Andrew Wise on the HIT Virtual Blog.


  1. Ensure that your site is more than mobile friendly, but that it works perfectly whether mobile or on a PC, unless your business can survive missing 61% of sales –

“Google says 61% of users are unlikely to return to a mobile site they had trouble
accessing and 40% visit a competitor’s site instead.”  (MicKinsey & Company)


  1. Pay attention to your site’s description and the way it appears in search results. It should include keywords but also be readable by people as well as search engines.


  1. Use keywords and keyword synonyms in your H1 and H2 Tags, Header, Subheader, Title and site descriptions. You can use Wordstream’s Keyword Tool to find the most effective ones.


  1. Step outside the box to find keywords by looking at what your audience is talking about on social media like Put yourself in your visitors’ shoes. If you were shopping for “My wonderful widget.” What would you type in the search box?


  1. 8 Best Tips for SEO MarketingDon’t overlook Long Tail Keywords. They are those three and four keyword phrases which are very, very specific to whatever you are promoting. When potential customers use long descriptive phrases when searching the web, they are usually in the mood to buy. Get them while they’re hot!


  1. Put your share buttons in prominent places on your website and blog to make it simple for people to share. They won’t share if they can’t find it fast. Don’t make them search for it.


  1. If you sell products whether physical or digital, it’s important to optimize product description pages. Treat them just like you would a blog post for best results.


  1. Internal linking can help boost important pages that aren’t getting love. Link to those pages from active pages on your site.

Click on any of the links to find more information about implementing these tips. I would be interested in which tips work for you, leave me a comment.

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