Promoting Your Blog: Beyond Social Media

“Just because you have a blog doesn’t automatically mean you’re going to get traffic. Blog does not equal traffic.”

~ Neil Patel

One of my first recommendations regarding Content Marketing is to start blogging. Or, if you are already blogging, start being consistent. You should blog at least 3 times a week and the more frequently the better.  But just posting a blog entry is not enough. It’s actually just the beginning. The next, and essential, step is to promote your blog.
How do you promote your blog? Here are a few ways to get you started that you may not have thought of doing.

  1. HIT VirtualLeave comments on other blogs. I’m not talking about spammy comments like “Hey, man, love your blog. Read mine.” This not only sounds desperate but likely will get deleted by the blog owner. The correct way to leave a blog comment is to read the entry and post a thoughtful response.
  2. Post on forums. Of course, it should be a forum specific to your niche. Read the rules of the forum.  Generally you can only link to your site in your signature or bio. Also, don’t be self promotional.  Be helpful and let your demonstrated expertise and credibility entice members to want more and read your blog.
  3. HIT VirtualAdd video. Who says a blog has to be just the written word. Video is the hottest trend and you need to use it on your blog. Be sure you post it to YouTube (the #2 search engine and #3 social media platform for B2C) with a link back to your blog site.
  4. Add Slide Shows. It’s quite easy to create a slide show using PowerPoint and post to a site such as SlideShare. You can use a written blog post, break it into the main points and illustrate it in a slide presentation. Remember to include a link back to your blog.
  5. Content Curation. What are some favorite articles you’ve read this week? Other writers will appreciate the mention and link back on your blog. Gather a few of your favorites and write a short commentary on each to post as a blog entry. You can even do this as a slide show.

I hope this gives you some ideas of ways to promote your blog that you may not have thought of.  There is so much content on the web today that you need to go beyond simply publishing and sharing it to Facebook.

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