Team Your Customer Relationship Management with Client Concierge Service For A Higher Level Of Customer Service

For businesses large and small, their profitability and success depends upon customer retention, customer relationship enhancements and customer acquisition. This is often known as Customer Relationship Management or CRM. CRM is the managing of all business and interactions with customers. The main purpose of Customer Relationship Management is to allow businesses to better manage their customers through the introduction of reliable systems, processes and procedures for interacting with those customers. A good CRM program helps the business acquire customers and service the customers. Good CRM also helps retain good customers, and identify which customers can be given a higher level of service.
CRM is a complex mix of business processes, enterprise strategies and information technologies, which are used to study customers’ needs and behaviors to help businesses develop more substantial relationships with them in order to get greater results.
In the late 90’s, customer relationship management mainly consisted of just an index file, an answering machine and a telephone. Today, an advanced CRM system has evolved into an Excel spreadsheet and more. CRM systems normally consist of email and/or snail mail, marketing campaigns, contact manager programs, sales tracking program, and multi-media contact center or voice mail system.
A successful CRM strategy doesn’t just mean simply installing and integrating a software package; it also involves a wider approach including modifying business processes based on the needs of customer, training of employees, adopting relevant IT systems and software, and IT services that allows firms to track their CRM strategies. This is where a high quality, Client Concierge Service can help.
A client concierge is your client’s contact person for any questions, technical assistance or scheduling they may require. The concierge’s focus is to enhance the experience of your clients while promoting the programs and services you offer and freeing you to do what you do best.  Your Client Concierge expert will work with you to solve your customer’s problems often times BEFORE they are an issue. The Client Concierge provides the extra, high touch, service to make your customer service excel.
One of the most common causes for customer relationship management system failure is poor data quality, which can be easily avoided. CRM systems are as useful as the information it provides. The old saying “garbage in, garbage out” can be applied to CRM data quality. A Client Concierge will ensure good CRM data quality, be sure to input the data accurately; check data entries twice to minimize the possibility of duplication; if there is an error in the provided information or if the information is not complete, then re-establish contact with the customer to recheck the data. Customers generally do not get annoyed at this; instead it makes them more appreciative of the extra customer service.