6 Common Content Marketing Mistakes That May Destroy Your Effectiveness

How is your content content, such as social media posts, blogs, and articles performing? Are you satisfied with your ROI (return on investment) or do you often feel like you’re spinning your wheels and not getting anywhere?  If so, this would be a good time to review your content and see if you are making these six common content marketing mistakes.

1. Starting without a content marketing strategy.

If you’re winging it, you will get lost. This plan is your business map to success. It tells you where to go, who to take with you, how to get there, and what to do once you arrive. Create and follow your content marketing plan then go a step further: monitor, review, and revise your plan, often.

Recommended Resource: How to Plan a Content Marketing Strategy: A Start-to-Finish Guide from the Hubspot Blog

2. Writing strictly for SEO and not your audience. 

Your reader’s experience should be your top priority. Of course, you should use keywords and other best-practice SEO strategies but not at the expense of readability.

Keep your audience coming back for more. They will determine whether your content should be shared.  Consider the stats below from Mentasi and youll see why User Generated Content is so important.

  • 62% of consumers agree they are more likely to click on ads, social posts, emails, or websites that feature real customers rather than images solely created for advertising by the brand.
  • Customers have become highly excited to engage in brand conversations and to be discovered by their favorite brands. 72% of users will agree when asked by a brand to use their content.
  • 64% of the customers agree that when brands repost their content, they are more likely to create and share similar content in the future.

The take away?  Make your content easy to understand, consume, and share.

3. Using text-only content is a conent marketing strategy entrepreneurs often make.

content marketing mistakesContent isn’t just text. There are many forms and formats such as videos, posts, articles, white papers, infographics, audio, and many more. Each type will interest a different audience if it relates to relevant niche topics and meets the member’s needs.

When people hear information, they’re likely to remember only 10% of that information three days later. However, if a relevant image is paired with that same information, people will retain 65% of that information three days later. (Source)  

However, t’s important to note that not just ANY image will work.

Use high quality images. When you choose your images make sure they are clear and crisp as well as dynamic. Your goal is to create a beautiful visual experience for your readers and stop your audience from scrolling by your posts.

Size matters. Double check graphic sizes before having your assistant or graphic designer create any graphics for your ads as they are always changing.

Use Unique Images. All your images need to stand out on a reader’s newsfeed to make them think, “Hey, this is something new. I need to pay attention.” When you choose your images, think about what will make your target audience pause their scrolling.

4. Overusing automation or not delegating wisely.

Auto-posting and outsourcing is fine to handle many things. However, you still need to interact with your audience to gain their respect, earn their trust, and build relationships. Always keep in mind that social media is just that – SOCIAL. Connect with content and then focus on building relationships by being there.
There is some debate about what your content mix should be. One I like to use is the 5-3-2 Rule of Social Media Sharing illustrated here:

6 Common Content Marketing Mistakes

5. Posting content only on your website and not promoting it is another content marketing mistake.

If you aren’t promoting your content, you are wasting your time creating it. Period. It will very likely never be seen. Cross-promote every piece of content you produce regardless of form. For example, promote your YouTube videos on Facebook then promote your Facebook community on your videos. Every blog post should be announced (with a link back to it) on all your social media platforms, bookmarking sites, and content curation sites.

6. Not backing up your content with Social Proof

When you use stats and resources to back up your ideas and assumptions, your audience will see you as an authority on the topic. Always quote your source and link back to it so that your audience knows where you got the information. (As a bonus, this is a great SEO tactic!)

Are you making any of these content marketing mistakes? Don’t worry. Instead, evaluate where you’ve gone wrong and correct your errors. I suggest doing this one step at a time and studying your results to see which are most effective for you. If you need assistance, I provide content markeing assistance for entrepreneurs in all niches. Contact me.


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