7 Smart Painless Communication & Relationship Building Tips for Introverted Entrepreneurs

Many people consider being an introvert a huge roadblock for success. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, introverts account for more than a few highly successful people, including:

  • Albert Einstein
  • Bill Gates
  • JK Rowling
  • Warren Buffett
  • Dr. Seuss
  • Barack Obama

So if you’re an introvert, you’re in excellent company – and in no manner unable to achieve greatness. In fact, if these introverts are any indication, some might say greatness is in your nature. (I’m taking a bow!) 

Now that we’ve taken our bow, let’s look at one of the most important marketing tools: Building Relationships. People purchase from those who they know, like, and trust. It’s important they know that you’re a real person instead of someone who only cares about the almighty dollar. They want to know you’re not a scam artist who will steal their last dollar without providing a product. People with purchase power want a relationship with you before they buy. (More about Relationship Marketing here)

Don’t think this will be a stumbling block for you as an introvert! It doesn’t need to be with a tips.

Surround yourself with the right people. (Team)

Surround yourself with people you can trust, first and foremost. These are the people you’re building your business with. Beyond that, surround yourself with people who have different skillsets and characteristics than you. This allows you to get sage advice from the people who work for you and is essential when it comes to areas where you have less experience or knowledge. It can be one of the most important business decisions you’ll make. One of my favorite stories about Henry Ford illustrates the power of team perfectly.

During WW1 Henry Ford sued a Chicago newspaper for libeling him when they called him “an ignorant pacifist.”  At the ensuing trial, the defense lawyers grilled with Mr. Ford with a line of questioning regarding general knowledge in an effort to prove to the jury that he was, as they said, ignorant.

Mr. Ford’s response, “If I should really want to answer the foolish question you have just asked, or any of the other questions you have been asking me, let me remind you that I have a row of electric push-buttons on my desk, and by pushing the right button, I can summon to my aid men who can answer any question I desire to ask concerning the business to which I am devoting most of my efforts.  Now, will you kindly tell me, why I should clutter up my mind with general knowledge, for the purpose of being able to answer questions, when I have men around me who can supply any knowledge I require?”

Master the fine art of building relationships.

introvert - relationshipsBuilding relationships is essential in the world of business. You must build relationships with the customers who buy your products or use your services. You must also build relationships with the people who work with you, vendors who serve your business needs, and others who can help you grow your business over time. It takes dedication and work for introverts, who tend to keep their “tribes” small, but the rewards are huge for your business and they offer you opportunities to grow your tribe a little bit in the process.

A key to building relationships is to listen carefully and this is something that usually comes naturally for introverts! Show an interest in your contacts business or their life. Once you ask one question, people naturally want to keep talking, especially if they are passionate about their industry and mission. Listen to them speak, tuck away interesting nuggets for a later time, and remember to send a follow-up email (or DM) the next business day, simply commenting how nice it was to meet them. The next time you encounter them (in person or on social media) make a point of acknowledging them and start a new conversation.

This also applies to entrepreneurs who create products. Listen to what your audience wants and needs. What are they struggling with right now and how can you help them? Listening is a very important skill when it comes to business relationships as well as creating loyal customers.

Adapt when necessary.

Adapt and overcome. These are two of the most important life skills you’ll ever learn. Introverts do not excel at the traditional methods of growing businesses. This means you must adapt your business model to account for that and seek new ways to help your business grow. The faster you begin incorporating new ideas for growth and expansion into your business model, the sooner you’ll be able to reap the rewards of doing so.

I like to use the example of video marketing. Video is  everywhere, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc. and entrepreneurs  in every niche are taking advantage of it. According to a 2022t article on Forbes, “Last year saw some big changes in the forms of content that resonated with users, with short-form video striding out victorious well ahead of other formats.” This can present a challenge to introverts who don’t like to appear in video.  My solution?  Use stock video (or video you shoot yourself) that illustrates your topic without you being on camera. If you would like to use video but don’t have technical skills, I have a video cretion service.

Consider partnering with charismatic extroverts.

Steve Wozniak is a man not everyone has heard of. However, he is the brains behind one of the most successful brands in modern history: Apple. Most people equate Steve Jobs with the brand. If Wozniak was the brains behind the brand, Jobs was its face. Steve Wozniak is a famous introvert while the far more charismatic Jobs was very much the quintessential extrovert. This partnership made both men fantastically wealthy and counted among the most successful in their industry. While you may not have a Steve Jobs to partner with, you can find your own Mr. or Ms. Charisma to help you get the attention your brand needs to grow while you are left to be the creative genius behind the scenes.

Go one-on-one whenever possible.

You are probably much better at working with people one-on-one than dealing with large or medium sized groups. Go to that familiar territory and let your own spark shine. Working with customers individually makes them feel special and valued in a way that large group discussions will never accomplish. More importantly, it allows you to be completely in your comfort zone so you can focus on the task at hand instead of how uncomfortable you are.

If you are want to use webinars or group calls in your business, here’s a simple tip.  Have a team member or friend attend the webinar and talk as if you are only talking to them. This will help calm some of your anxiety.  Of course, you shoul acknowledge everyone on the call but this trick can help you with the presentation.

Improve your communication skills.

Take classes on public speaking to help you deliver better lectures. Improve your writing with online courses. Listen intently and make sure you’re sending the appropriate messages in response. The more effectively you communicate with your employees, vendors, and customers the better it is for your continued success.

My college classes in public speaking and counseling have helped me tremondously in this aspect. Even though, at sixty, my college days are far behind, I find myself using the techniques that I learned in then today.

Use the Internet to grow your business and reach new audiences.

introvertIntroverts today have one tool that wasn’t widely available to help you grow your business two or three decades ago. It may be the single most important tool for introverts to wield when growing a business. It is the internet. The web offers substantial opportunities for growth and success that weren’t available in the not-so-distant past, especially with the wildfire growth of social media. 

Use the Internet as an essential platform for growing your business. For introverts, the Internet is the perfect tool for reaching out to others without requiring your physical presence.

I hope you’ll try one or more of these tips to grow your business and I’d love to hear about it.  Join me on my Facebook page!

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