How To Easily Turbo Charge Your List with an Authoritative Webinar

Many of us can’t meet our ideal clients in person however webinars are the next best thing. People still get to hear your expertise for themselves and when you’re visible to your audience, you jump many steps ahead in the trust-building process. The only thing missing from a webinar is the ability to shake someone’s hand.

Consider this format another lead magnet with a completely different funnel of emails set up on the back end. With your downloadable lead magnet, you deliver content with the idea of getting email subscribers. Using a webinar as a lead magnet allows you to attract email subscribers but also gives you the space to promote your paid services or courses at the end. Many people use both the written and the webinar formats to target different audiences or to test which one converts better.

webinarWhy You Should Do an Evergreen Webinar

Before you discard this webinar option as being too difficult or too techy, there’s a way to automate this process. I’m talking about creating an evergreen webinar, also known as on-demand. You record the webinar in the privacy of your home or office, without an audience, and then you use a service such as Ever Webinar to host the webinar and allow registrations. 

Creating an on-demand evergreen webinar is a brilliant marketing tool because you’re putting the power in the hands of your audience. Instead of them skipping your webinar due to schedule conflicts, they can choose a date and time that works best for them to watch. They are registering just as they would for a live webinar – which adds names to your email list – and they are watching the product pitch at the end, which hopefully will lead to sales. Once you do the hard part of creating your paid product and the automated webinar, you can put this process on autopilot and watch your email list and sales grow.

What makes a webinar irresistible?

Much like your downloadable lead magnet, you want to teach your audience how to do something without giving away all your secrets. With webinars, you can actually demonstrate how to do something or you can simply use PowerPoint slides to illustrate your points. 

Choose a topic which often gets asked as a top question. Your topic should relate to a common pain point among your audience. They should want to watch your webinar because you’re offering solutions to their problem. Your webinar title should also be sexy and creative so it catches the attention of your audience.

If you have never hosted a webinar before, start off by organizing your thoughts with a bullet point outline. Jot down your main thoughts first and then fill in the details with supporting facts or resources. Once the outline is done, delegate the slide production to your VA. 

If you’re nervous about relying on an outline for a whole webinar, practice a run-through first while recording, then have that recording transcribed. Now you have a script to follow for your real recording.

What should you offer at the end?

That is entirely up to you (and you can even create multiple webinars that lead to different offers)! Webinars work for promoting both service packages as well as paid products; which one you choose depends on your business goals at this moment. If you want more one-on-one clients, create a package with the services you demonstrate in the webinar. You can offer group coaching workshops or send viewers to a paid product (so long as it’s a logical next step for them). No matter which you choose, create a dedicated landing page for your viewers to purchase without distraction.

It’s common practice to reward those people who stayed until the end of your webinar with a discount or special offer. If you’re creating a discount, don’t make it so large that you’re not making any profit on the paid product. A special offer can be as simple as a bonus product or access to your private Facebook Group. Whichever one you choose, be sure to set an expiration, such as “the next 24 hours” because it creates a sense of urgency that they might miss this great deal unless they act fast.

One quick note: Be careful about offering free consultation sessions. The idea is to get as many eyes as possible on your webinar and even if 10% of that number books a consult, you could run the risk of giving away too much of your precious and valuable time.

Promoting your on-demand webinar is pretty much the same as promoting any other product. Use social media to your advantage as well as Facebook ads. Set up the ads by choosing your demographics, choose your budget and length of campaign, then track your results.

If you’re using webinars in conjunction with a downloadable lead magnet, it’s wise to choose two different topics, or at least have them related but not exactly the same. The object of marketing is to attract as many different parts of your audience as possible and your audience may be interested in two different subjects. The same is true for the email funnel that gets triggered from the webinar registrations.

Marketing Checklist

Don’t duplicate your emails. You will likely have people moving from your download list to your webinar list (or vice versa) and they’ll get turned off if they get déjà vu from duplicate messages. Everything in your business should work in harmony instead of fighting each other, so coordinate these email funnels appropriately.

If you’re one of the people who struggles with marketing, have no fear. Instead of dwelling on the fact that your business isn’t growing as fast as a competitor’s, take a deep breath, remember why you started your business in the first place, and move forward with implementing a great marketing plan. Download my free checklist: 7 Ways to Get More Clients Even if You Hate Marketing Checklist here.

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