Why Relationship Marketing Is Key to Turbo Charge Your Successful Marketing Plan

As an entrepreneur who takes advantage of the internet for marketing  you are familiar, at least on a basic level, with blogging and social media and how you can use them to market your product or service. We have embraced the concept of content marketing and its necessity in growing our business. But is should we stop there?  Is churning out quality content on a regular basis enough? No, we need add another element: Relationship Marketing.

What’s the difference between content marketing and relationship marketing?

Content marketing is talking with your audience but relationship marketing takes it to a deeper, more meaningful level.

It’s not the about the newest social media network, it’s relationship-building and community-building. In other words, your success is dependent on the relationships you make with others. You could have a killer blog, high-quality content, and lots of traffic but the rapport you have with your target audience is all about engaging in a conversation with them. People that have chosen you as a source of information should be held in the highest regard. Once they have a great experience with you, they will be more likely to share you with others, bringing more traffic to your site and more potential customers.

One way to build relationships with your audience is via Inbound Marketing

Concentrate on actively pulling in your community, not passively waiting for them to engage. This is called inbound marketing. It involves attracting people to your product or service based on a common interest or desire to learn more.

At it’s core, inbound marketing is two-way communication. The customer interacts with the business in a dialog. They post on the company’s social media pages, join your Facebook group, comment on blogs, or take part in contests. When they participate, they become invested and engaged. People want to be in control of the information they get and this makes them more receptive to your message.

user generated contentNurture your relationship with your audience with User Generated Content (UGC).

User-generated content (UGC) is any content—text, videos, images, reviews, etc.—created by people, rather than brands. In other words, when your audience comments or shares your content, it is a powerful reference to others. Consider this – 92% of consumers turn to people they know for referrals above any other source. In addition 84% of consumers say they trust peer recommendations above all other sources of advertising. If that’s not enough proof for you, check out this article.

If you’re ready to start using Relationship Marketing use these tips to get started.

  • Encourage your audience to share a review about your brand across social media.
  • Ask for the share occasionally. (Not every post – that looks needy!)
  • Get the conversation started. At the end of your blog or social media posts, ask your reader what they think, what their experience is, or if they have any tips to add.
  • Run a contest. It can be as simple as ‘tell us what you think of us and share with your friends.’ The top five people with the most shares wins a _________________. (Fill in the blank with a fabulous prize.)
  • Share, share, share. The more you give, the more you will receive.  If this seems a little backwards, you’re wrong.  Once people see that you are a reliable source of consistent, knowledgeable content, they will genuinely want to know more and learn more from you.  Many “customers for life” are created this way.
  • Write FOR your audience. What problems do they have that you can solve?  What do they want to hear about?  If you keep this in mind each time you will never have a problem reaching those you want to help and in turn, getting them to buy from you over and over again.

Relationship building doesn’t stop with your potential customer.

Interacting with your colleagues on a regular basis is also a great way to build your business. Mastermind groups and live events let you connect with people who are on the same journey.  Valuable business partnerships and joint ventures are created by communicating with those around you.  These are people you can count on to share ideas with, create products, and provide bigger and better services that will take your business to the next level.

There is a Facebook group or community for just about any interest.  Find a group that your peers would be likely to frequent and start up a conversation. Be sure to read and follow the rules of the group. Many only allow self-promotion on days set aside for it.  Actually get into the discussion, find out what your peers are doing that works and what doesn’t. Share your experience and help others when you can.

Attend live events. You will meet and learn from some of the experts in your niche. Some of the most successful businesses owe it all to the JV (joint venture) partnerships created during these events.
On another note, meeting new people, hearing about their successes and failures, and establishing relationships are some of the most beneficial things you can do for your self-growth and the growth of your business.

In a sense, our lives and the success we experience depends on the people with whom we know and associate.   Building solid relationships with the people you come in to contact with can launch your business to places you never dreamed of.  You will also be creating lifelong friendships that will be worth more than any amount of money.  The key is to be yourself, and let your unique personality shine through to those you want to reach.

Have you been successful using relationship marketing to build your business?  Share your experience on my Facebook page!