Don’t just Wish your Conversion Rate was Higher! Do Something About It!

frustrated with poor conversionMeet Jolene. She is an online business woman like many entrepreneurs. Jolene has thrown herself wholeheartedly into using content marketing to promote her business. She blogs regularly and has a presence on social media platforms. She’s got it going on. Now, Jolene is becoming frustrated because her audience is not converting to paying clients. She is wondering why she can’t reach her audience like she wants to.
Checking her Google Analytics as well as insights on her social media platforms, she sees increasing traffic but there is not a corresponding increase in sales. The carefully crafted social media business pages she created are not getting the response that she hoped for. What’s wrong?
It’s not easy to run a business. In the online arena, there are thousands of other websites to compete with. Because the Internet is always “on,” it’s a game changer for sure. But, there is one way to level the playing field between big and small companies and even solo entrepreneurs. It’s your social media strategy. How you use social media can allow you to act like a big company with a small company budget. The power is in your hands to make it what you imagine it can be for your business.

Make the Best Use of your Social Media Platforms

You, like Jolene, may be wondering what you are missing with your audience. Well, ask them. Sometimes it’s as simple as that. Social media is a great place to ask your target audience exactly what they need and want. People love to give their opinions on just about everything. What you need is their opinion of your business and what you can do better to reach more people.
Here are some tried-and-trued tips to get your questions answered.
Set up Polls – people like it when their help is needed. Simple polls on your social media platforms allow viewers to comment. You can use widgets to set up simple polls or do it yourself. (Learn how to set up polls on Facebook.)
conversion ratesTrivia Questions – these can be about various aspects of your business or the niche market that you are working in. It gives your audience more information about you and the company. Find out what they don’t know and choose content and strategies that share more of you with them.
Host Social Media EventsFacebook Live comes to mind when talking about social media events. You can engage people with questions, prize giveaways, and by asking them to share their experience with your company with the rest of the group.
Hold Contests – the subject of the contest is up to you. On a site like Pinterest, for example, you can ask viewers to create boards that represent how they feel about your company or their experience with your products. Even though you choose one winner, you hit the jackpot with a wealth of information to help you refine your content, revamp your marketing approach and engage more effectively with your target audience.
Remember Jolene? She started slow, with a poll, and received the information necessary to begin tailoring her content to her viewers. Customer interaction increased which gave her more information. Next, she started experimenting with Facebook Live. She discovered her target audience loved this interactive content. Jolene now has an effective social media strategy and higher conversion! Try these tools today to enable your audience to help you help them.